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A constant beep woke him up from his dream. He squinted his eye and fumbled for his mobile which had slipped somewhere inside the bed sheets. The incessant beep ringed inside his head as he struggled with his sheets. Finally he hit snooze and went back to his sleep. He could afford another five minutes before he got up and hit the shower.

He wasn’t looking forward to the day. Being treated like dirt in office was not something in his plan. Always a good performer in college, he shouldered the burden of many expectations. But it was his own expectation that troubled him the most. Past two months had been the worst, both professionally and personally. His least favourite colleague had been transferred to his department as his superior. Long hours at office would leave him tired for anything else. That didn’t go down well with his girlfriend who constantly nagged him for not giving her the due attention.

Right now he wanted to forget all that and enjoy the five minutes of peace. Suddenly he felt really light, as if he was weightless. Then he realised that he was floating in the air. Directly below him, he saw his own body lying on the bed.

Oh! So this is what happens when you die!’ he thought.

Recalling all ghost movies he had seen, he tried to play some tricks of his own. But to his utter dismay, he had no control over himself. His soul went of in different directions.

‘This is no fun’, he realised. ‘That’s not how it should be. If I got no control even after death, then I’d rather live’.

Slowly his soul floated back towards his body and he woke up with a jerk. Somewhere near his head his mobile was beeping again. Hitting snooze was not an option now. He finally pulled himself up, not looking forward to the day ahead.

I’d rather live’


SiD said…
kisi bade aadmi ne kaha hai ki "jeeena yahan.. marna yahan.. iske siva jaana kahan"
Aarish said…
and I loved the phrase "I'd rather live" for some reason.. keep the blog updated.. you write well
Alesea said…
I'd rather live...yes i wanna do that too
Pallav said…
There is a song by a band called a perfect circle, the line in the song goes "I choose to live"

The first paragraph totally reminds me of my morning routine!

The rest doesn't :P

Ankit said…
most important of the messages are often kept hidden in some rather cryptic but amusing writings...

"Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying"

I am listening to Live Forever-Oasis right now.. and it seems to fit somewhat.. :)
confessing7girl said…
oooohh amazing!! all things between life and death just fascinates me!! i love the ending where he chooses to live i guess thats the most important message!! love it!!
Impressionist said…
better live than end up dying!
heheh! :D

peace & love
good one..but was wondering what made you compare life and death :)

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