This blog has not seen many posts for sometime now. Friends tell me to post, fellow bloggers ask me to post, I tell myself to post. Then why don’t I post?
Am I out of material? No! it’s partly because of the work load and partly because of plain laziness of typing out anything.
I do not blog to satisfy the writer in me. I don’t even consider myself to be a writer in first place. I do not know why I write and I don not know why I don’t.
That’s me-Confused!!
So I post this post just because I want to post today!!
Ughhh!! Whatever!!
The pictures in previous post were nice, camerafication of your home eh:)
@Abhishek: thanx..
care to link blogs? if you want to, mine is http://jaysmoney.blogspot.com
post my link then comment me back and ill post yours!
but work comes first!