It was back. The Dragon was back. After lying low for months, it was back, flaring fire all over the village. The village head was having sleepless nights again. Since there had been no attacks for the past two months, everyone had assumed that it had left for new hunting grounds. But what they didn’t know was that it had been preparing for a big feast. In the nest lay hundreds of eggs. Soon there would be little dragons everywhere.
Happy days were over once more. Kids were forced to play indoors. Women were scared to go out themselves. The traders found it difficult to travel and had to suffer losses.
But as they say, when you are in a situation where there is a mountain on one side and a pit on the other, you would rather climb the mountain.
So after giving a lot of thought, the village head decided to go in for the last option he had.
On the other end of the village, in the caves, lived a Giant. A harmless creature, but feared for his size. Every night, one villager would go and supply him with food, lest he decides to eat them. As such, handling one dragon had taken a toll on them.
But the Giant was a vegetarian. It did not bother him if one day the food did not reach him. Rather these services had made him even more lazy.
The village head that night, took the Giant’s meal himself. Once in the cave, he begged the Giant to help him in tackling with the Dragon.
Next morning, the villagers woke up to a loud thrashing sound. The Giant had taken on the Dragon, suddenly feeling very full of life. He whacked the Dragon dead in no time and jumped on the eggs like a kid, giggling all along.
The villagers were spell bound. All these years, they had lived with the Giant and the Dragon, fearing both of them. And now suddenly, both their problems were solved.
The village head was overwhelmed, proud of his decision to ask the Giant the previous night.
He along with his bunch of council took a very special meal to the caves that night.
“I can’t tell you, how thankful we all are to you, for what you did this morning.” , thanked the village head.
“Ugh-agh..thats olright..but temme..why didn’t you ask me before??”, grunted the Giant
“Uh-ah Well I don’t know!”, shrugged the village head.
Don't look at me!!I don't know why I wrote this.;)
Happy days were over once more. Kids were forced to play indoors. Women were scared to go out themselves. The traders found it difficult to travel and had to suffer losses.
But as they say, when you are in a situation where there is a mountain on one side and a pit on the other, you would rather climb the mountain.
So after giving a lot of thought, the village head decided to go in for the last option he had.
On the other end of the village, in the caves, lived a Giant. A harmless creature, but feared for his size. Every night, one villager would go and supply him with food, lest he decides to eat them. As such, handling one dragon had taken a toll on them.
But the Giant was a vegetarian. It did not bother him if one day the food did not reach him. Rather these services had made him even more lazy.
The village head that night, took the Giant’s meal himself. Once in the cave, he begged the Giant to help him in tackling with the Dragon.
Next morning, the villagers woke up to a loud thrashing sound. The Giant had taken on the Dragon, suddenly feeling very full of life. He whacked the Dragon dead in no time and jumped on the eggs like a kid, giggling all along.
The villagers were spell bound. All these years, they had lived with the Giant and the Dragon, fearing both of them. And now suddenly, both their problems were solved.
The village head was overwhelmed, proud of his decision to ask the Giant the previous night.
He along with his bunch of council took a very special meal to the caves that night.
“I can’t tell you, how thankful we all are to you, for what you did this morning.” , thanked the village head.
“Ugh-agh..thats olright..but temme..why didn’t you ask me before??”, grunted the Giant
“Uh-ah Well I don’t know!”, shrugged the village head.
Don't look at me!!I don't know why I wrote this.;)
On a serious note, in real life too,we are afraid of some things until we discover they are harmless, maybe a doggy on the roadside for example.
@Akanksha:yeah, also often we dont realise why we do things we do..
and i am scared of doggies,,yikes!!
@NM: i hope it is not ur new lappies keyboard;)