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Happy New Year

1 of May was sitting all grumpy at one corner.
“What’s the matter with you dude? Why are you so sad?” asked the 2 of October.
“Well I don’t understand what is all the fuss about 1 of Jan. I mean like there is no other first in the entire year. One month ends and you have a first of next month. So why celebrate just the 1 of Jan.”

“Why are you cribbing so much?” interrupted 31 of Oct. Its not the 1 of Jan but 31 of Dec that is more talked about. Parties in every corner, celebration till midnight. Where as all other month ends are the least looked forward to. At least the beginning of every month is welcomed with salary cheques.

“Oh shut up!” 30 of April joined in. “Half of us don’t even have 31st. You get all get extra days in your months.”

“People may tag me as Fool’s day but let me tell you it is me who starts the financial year.” chipped in 1 of April.

“We can’t believe you guys. Have you noticed we get 29 days once in four years and still no one cares let alone celebrate.” chorused all the Febs

People just need a reason to party I guess. As if hundreds of festivals were not enough, now they have days for every damn thing- rose day, chocolate day, father’s day, daughter’s day and what not.

Why take so much pain to brand every day, why not just celebrate each day. ‘Happy 5th of june everyone’ or ‘So what are your plans for the 10 of September?’
‘I hope this 13march party is better than last time.’

With every year you grow old and burdened with more responsibility. For every day that passes brings you closer to your death.
New year is old. Cut the crap!!
Forget what each day was for, just party.

Happy ‘31 Dec2007’ everyone :P


Rajarshi said…
U have spoken my mind out in this post.almost every other day is being branded as sumthng or the other.We hv rose day friendshp day (wierdest of all along wid mothers nd fatherz day) really duznt make sense.1st jan is very hypd nd may be of importance only to the ppl of the higher strata of the society who r willing to splurge their money on parties nd all......
Anyways nice blog...i thnk i m cumin across it fr the frst tym....wil be a regulr visitr frm nw on I guess....happy new
Unknown said…
“Why are you cribbing so much?” interrupted 31 of Nov
I never knew if there was any 31st of Nov. :P
Anyways Happy New Year to you!!!

And, aah I remember, ask 1st May not to get sad. I do celebrate 1st of May every yr. :)
Bharti Bedi said…
@TTOT: hey do cum back for more..
happy new year:)

AH i was hoping to get away with this one...n yes 1 may shdnt be sad cos 2nd is just a day away haha
happy new yr to u2
Anonymous said…
Im coming today! Roll out the red carpets...let the drums roll..Let the celebrations begin! :D - CS
lol...amazing...loved it....loved ur style of writing too...happy new on!!!!!!;p

ps- im blogrolling ya
durjoy datta said…
nice post!
31 november!
Anonymous said…
Excellent post and innovative idea. i become a fan of ur blog, many times and week i visit and wait for you to write something.
Bharti Bedi said…
@harini: hey thnks i will link u back soon.

@DD: yeah i noe...i think nov shd have 31 days wat say..:P

@Amit: thats great..i will try and post more often:)
hey! wish u happy january 6th!!! so what r ur plans for jan 30th?? hehe. amazingly written.. :)

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