I like birthdays. It is one day in the year when everyone remembers you, calls you, wishes you.
As a blogger it is my first birthday. Earlier I used to read blogs, but was never convinced to start one of my own.
I could not write personal posts like Sid. Neither was I a great storyteller like Nothingman nor could I not compare my writing skills with Zedekiah and later with Alesea.
As a blogger it is my first birthday. Earlier I used to read blogs, but was never convinced to start one of my own.
I could not write personal posts like Sid. Neither was I a great storyteller like Nothingman nor could I not compare my writing skills with Zedekiah and later with Alesea.
With lot of apprehensions and scepticism, one fine day, motivated by this one blog, I logged on to blogspot and posted my first entry. That was a year back( 26-03-07). Surprisingly my writing got readers. Some old friends and some new.
My post frequency varied from month to month, but I kept coming back. So did my readers- Kindaweird, A Shade of Blue, The Crazy Apothecary, DM, Meki, Alesea ,Nothingman and many more.
I just have one thing to say to all of you—Thank You!
Hopefully I would have more to write this year as well. Hopefully you will still read it.
hv fun blogging..n yes i want my piece of cake fr th brthday..
lotsa love n gud wishes
Your ever-loyal reader
A shade of bloo :D
What i have loved the most about this blog is the ideas, the freshness in every post, the lazyness that is omnipresent which i adore btw... and ya one thing..this blog prompted me to start my own blog..so a thanks to u!!!!!
Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day! :)