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I want the roads unknown

I want the faces unfamiliar

I want the directions lost

I want to be a stranger

I want the people unkind

I want the vendors rude

I want the wallet empty

I want free food

I want to dance on the road

I want to sing in a bus

I want to roam about free

I want to be a stranger

I want to be a stranger- in my own world


Pallav said…
ah, which road are you dacing on and at what time? :)

wait! you are a stranger! Who are you?



ANC said…
I like how simple it is. Almost like a nursery rhyme for adults :)
Free-willed simple writing :)
I would have like the end more if it was more elaborate :)

Rex Venom said…
You write of the Path.
The wanderer will know the Way.
And no one stays a stranger when your mind sees the All.
Rock on!
Anonymous said…
vadhiya likya hai yar
Ahem Ahem! Let me give u company.. Strangers can eventually become friends,we'll probably go dancing n singing in the rain, on the same road!!! :D

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