One day, as I was driving down the street, a car bumped into mine. I got down furiously, in a mood to give the driver a piece of my mind, for my car was not an ordinary one. It was my most prized possession. As I approached the driver, I recognised her immediately. From behind the wheels, descended Death herself. With an apologetic look on her face, she said she was sorry. It was an accident and she did not mean any harm to me. Moreover, she was ready to pay for any damages. I softened a bit. My car seemed fine. I decided to forgive her and continued my journey.
WHITE It’s the colour of mourning. It's the colour of celebration. It's the colour of peace. It's the colour of happiness. It's pure, calm, serene, and honest. It’s the colour of the first meal that baby takes. It’s the colour of maturity on a person’s head. It’s the colour of the moonlight. It’s the colour of the clouds. It’s the colour of the sea foam. It’s the screechy chalk on the black board. It’s the clean surface of the white board. Mixes with every other colour to give it a new identity. It makes red go pink. It turns the black into grey. And it's just White *********************************** What comes to your mind when you think of White.. Write back…
shit, I hope you are ok and well, should have taken money from death, how many people get to do That!?
n ya i am fine thanks..
i also bumped my car...
looks like its car bump festival on blogger...