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A cup of Tea and much more

Sometime in July last year the media people encroached upon the Law Canteen of PU.

It was when the MassComm Dept shifted to a new building.

The new batch that came was equally excited about the proximity to the canteen as about the whole new block for themselves.

It was here where we (freshers) sat together, initially in one big group and then later in different smaller ones, to know each other. After all we were to spend the next two years here.

It was here where we waited eagerly for our seniors to join us.

It was here where we actually got to interact with them.

It was here where we completed our assignments, discussed our term papers, documentaries, sought internship advices, complimented each other, shared tiffins to softwares, cut birthday cakes, called out for ‘Santosh’ or ‘Nizam’ for another cup of ‘cha’ after a tiring cricket match.

We would huddle up inside when it rained and spread all out in the winter sun.

The canteen was also the part of the first ever Alumni Meet of our dept (which was initiated by our seniors).

When the deadlines approached we all sat with our laptops, diligently trying to finish up work, while gulping down cups of tea.

Sometime in July this year when we return to the Law Canteen once more, we’ll be greeted by freshers eagerly waiting for their seniors. But it will not be the same.


This ones for the best seniors I ever had- we’ll miss you.

Hope our juniors are as cool as yours.

And do remember us when we come looking for jobs next year.

Rock on…


Zedekiah said…
Oh and this one's for the best, bubbly and sweetest juniors like ever...B youll always be in my world....

Lots of love island girl//..
Vinni said…
hey hon...thats the most wonderful thing i've ever heard frm any of my juniors...what a bful way to say all that... im so touched...
will alws rmbr u guys for ur undying support n ur readiness to help us....
you guys will always be a part of my life... n no one can take tht frm me...
love ya... All the best!!!!
Anonymous said…
hey i know, i agree..mehak

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