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Happy B'Day

It’s a cool night. The road is deserted. She rides down on her bike, enjoying the stinging wind on her face. She wipes out her watering eye. With no destination in mind, she rides on.

Back at home, her room is filled with continuous chatter of the RJ, the light is still on, the bed sheet is rolled up in a ball, cushions on the floor.

Somewhere down, in the living room, there is lot of yelling, screeching and hugging. The chips are dipped and re-dipped, glasses are filled and re-filled, the party continues.

“I hope they like my Birthday cake”, she thinks as she continues her mindless journey.


I hope you all have great birthdays, especially my Taurus mates:
Astha, Sunita, Nidhi, Diana,Suhana,Jyotsana, Bani, Neha K, Rinchen, Anubha, Mehak, Nothingman's Friend, Neha P, Sunaina, Saheba,Shreya.

Taureans rock...

Some famous Taureans:

April 21, 1816 : Charlotte Bronte - Writer
April 21, 1838 : John Muir - Naturalist
April 21, 1926 : Queen Elizabeth II - British Royalty
April 22, 1724 : Immanuel Kant - Philosopher
April 22, 1870 : Nicolai Lenin - Marxist
April 22, 1904 : Robert Oppenheimer - Physicist
April 22, 1908 : Eddie Albert - Actor
April 22, 1916 : Yehudi Menuhin - Musician
April 22, 1936 : Glen Campbell - Entertainer
April 22, 1937 : Jack Nicholson - Actor
April 23, 1452 : Leonardo Davinci - Artist
April 23, 1519 : Catherine de Medici - French Royalty
April 23, 1891 : Sergei Prokofiev - Composer
April 23, 1928 : Shirley Temple Black - Actress
April 23, 1939 : Lee Majors - Actor
April 24, 1934 : Shirly MacLaine - Actress
April 24, 1942 : Barbara Steisand - Singer
April 25, 1874 : Guglielmo Marconi - Scientist
April 25, 1908 : Eduard R. Murrow - Broadcaster
April 26, 1564 : William Shakespeare - Writer
April 26, 1933 : Carol Burnett - Comedian
April 27, 1822 : Ulysses S. Grant - U.S. President
April 27, 1891 : Samual Morse - Inventor
April 27, 1822 : Ulysses S. Grant - U.S. President
April 27, 1922 : Jack Klugman - Actor
April 29, 1936 : Mehta Zubin - Conductor
April 29, 1947 : Johnny Miller - Golfer
April 29, 1955 : Kate Mulgrew - Actress
April 29, 1970 : Uma Thurman - Actress
May 01, 1945 : Rita Coolidge - Singer
May 02, 1729 : Catherine the Great - Russian Royality
May 02, 1903 : Bing Crosby - Singer
May 02, 1925 : Roscoe Lee Browne - Actor
May 05, 1599 : Oliver Cromwell - Politician
May 05, 1818 : Karl Marx - Revolutionary
May 05, 1943 : Bob Woodward - Reporter
May 05, 1958 : Annette Benning - Actress
May 06, 1758 : Maximil. Robespierre - Revolutionary
May 06, 1856 : Sigmund Freud - Psychologist
May 06, 1895 : Rudolph Valentino - Actor
May 06, 1913 : Stewart Granger - Actor
May 06, 1915 : Orson Wells - Producer
May 07, 1833 : Johnnes Brahms - Composer
May 07, 1901 : Gary Cooper - Actor
May 07, 1908 : Eva Perone - Argentina
May 08, 1929 : Jane Roberts - Channel

May 09, 1946 : Candice Bergen - Actress
May 10, 1899 : Fred Astaire - Dancer
May 10, 1939 : Jean Huston - Psychologist
May 10, 1940 : Wayne Dyer - Psychologist
May 11, 1888 : Irving Berlin - Composer
May 11, 1894 : Martha Graham - Dancer
May 12, 1820 : Florence Nightingale - Humanitarian
May 12, 1907 : Katherine Hepburn - Actress
May 13, 1914 : Joe Lewis - Sports Figure
May 13, 1923 : Richard Avedon - Photographer
May 13, 1939 : Harvey Keitel - Actor
May 13, 1941 : Ritchie Valens - Singer
May 13, 1950 : Stevie Wonder - Singer
May 14, 1936 : Bobby Darin - Singer
May 14, 1944 : George Lucas - Film maker
May 14, 1952 : David Byrne - Singer
May 15, 1859 : Pierre Curry - Scientist
May 15, 1902 : Richard Daily - Politician
May 16, 1905 : Henry Fonda - Actor
May 16, 1925 : Liberace - Entertainer
May 17, 1866 : Eric Satie - Composer
May 20, 1908 : James Stewart - Actor
May 20, 1946 : Cher - Singer
May 21, 1904 : Robert Montgomery - Actor

May 2: David Beckham , Brian Lara


Anonymous said…
now u talkin buddy!!!
a lifetime bein taurian...wot else can 1 ask for!!
Pallav said…
kya yaar, its not even 2nd may yet! are second may right?
the lizard pic was indeed yucky, glad you took that off...anyway, I'll say happy birthday when it is the day..nice list of the taureans you got there!
i didn't know there were so many celebrity taureans, and damm you have quite a few taurean friends!

Keep it cool.

and Ride Safe ;)
Anonymous said…
may 9 is rabindra nath tagore n u also missed out on sachin tendulkar!!..mehak

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