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Hmm…No thanks

I woke up one day and found that the world was closed.

Nobody told me anything

I walked the empty streets, felt like kicking a can but found nothing.

‘Even the garbage!!!’

The phone booth stood empty, the computer screen stared back blankly.

I looked up at the cloudless sky.

‘Am I dead?'


I turned around to find a python dressed in a fancy suit talking to me.

‘Where is everyone?’ I asked.

‘Sir, the world has gone on a vacation’

He continued to chatter and kept tugging my sleeve..

Finally he lead me to an orchard, while I still tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

‘…and here at The Eden Garden…we offer you the best deals..’ he pointed towards the only fruit bearing tree.


‘All you need is an apple from this tree and you can reach any destination of your choice…a heavenly experience guaranteed…’

‘Hmm…no thanks…I don’t like apples’

And I went back to sleep


Pallav said…
Very fresh story, just like apples!


ok, now I have a craving for apples, where's that tree you talked about? ;)

Anonymous said…
dis one seems incomplete 2 if u set out 2 deliver more but settled for less in d end
Bharti Bedi said…
@Nm..its summer time...time for mangoes not apples..;)

@mehak...umm..maybe..just crazy thots put together wout giving thot...damn xams...;)
Alesea said…
Cute.....n ya baby apples r gud .....but mangoes r d best.....
Impressionist said…
heheh!! :P
Ish nice ;)
thanx for the visit! I've added u in my blogroll. will be back!!

peace & love

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