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The Seven Year Itch

‘You have changed’, she looked at me and said.

‘Well, whatever!’ I had no time to listen to her complaints.

‘Now leave me alone.’ I snapped

She hovered around my table for a while and then left the room, banging the door behind.

I threw my pen in my hand. I was more angry with myself than her. How could I let this happen?

I still remember when I took her in my arms for the first time. She looked so innocent, so beautiful. I had fallen for her that very moment. Over the years, our love had grown even more.

She completely adored me and I loved her more than anything.

Although it is difficult to maintain a long distance relationship, she never showed any signs of changed loyalties. I was the first person she looked for as soon as she landed in the city.

On the other hand, I had been keeping busy with my college, studies and work and could not give her all the time she demanded and deserved.

In the past couple of years, I had started to feel the strain in our seven year long relationship.

I would get irritated often and snapped at every little thing.

She too wouldn’t give up on things that made me mad but still tries her best to make up after every fight.

This time too when she came, I wasn’t in the best of my moods. I had to take a crucial test the next day and she would refuse to leave my side.

My temper took over me once again and I shouted at her.

‘You have changed, Didi’ my 7 year old cousin said.

I had no answer.


Alesea said…
control ur temper will be kids....lols
confessing7girl said…
hey girl thanx for the link!! will be linking to u too!! but for now...u hv been tagged here

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