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Showing posts from March, 2007


For 52 years he had been going there every night. Every single night he would carry his lamp, sit in front of the wall and talk to his friend. He had met him when he was 16 and all these years they had shared practically everything. He would discuss his lost love, failed marriage, great jobs, psycho bosses...everything...his friend would listen, comfort him and offer advice every now and then. They would argue at times but reached consensus in the end. He was always at peace when they were together. No matter how hard the day would be, it was the nights he looked forward to, never caring for what others had to say. As he grew older the visits became longer. They would still meet in front of the wall, now dilapidated and he would still carry his old lamp. He even started spending the whole night there talking with his only friend who never left him. One day, he was found dead in front of the same wall, his friend was nowhere in sight. But even though he lays buried in the graveyard, his

The Usual

Sitting in the dark room, she stared at the wall in front of her. She had been sitting there for hours, just staring. After emptying out all her thoughts, her mind was blank right now. The only sound in the room was that of the clock ticking away. Suddenly a bright light blinded her.T.V came to life.Electricity was back! Slowly she snuggled into her bed and went off to sleep