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Showing posts from May, 2007

Walk With Me!

‘Wait’, she gasped, nursing her bruised knee.. but he was far ahead of her. She tried to keep an eye on him so she doesn’t lose him in the sea of people. She was tired. She was breathless. She wanted to rest. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, trying not to think about him for a while. Trying not to rush behind him all the time. It had been a long journey. But it seemed that she hadn’t seen anything. She was missing out on so many things just to keep up with him. He never stopped. He went on and on. He would never slow down to walk with her. Instead she would keep running behind him, to keep up. Often she would tire out and fall behind. But he would hardly notice. Once I while he would stop and wait for her to catch up. She would get an impatient look everytime, when she looked for sympathy. She wanted to go slow. She wanted to enjoy every bit of the journey. In between she would want to stop and admire the


She saw her reflection in the mirror and smiled. She looked beautiful and she knew. She had never realised that she too could look as good as the plastic around her. Perfect hair, glossy lips and glares in the place. She pushed back a flick that kept falling over her eye, while two people worked on her feet and hands, scrubbing hard the dead skin. All these years she used to simply tie her hair back and never really bothered about her looks. Today she let her hair loose. She pampered herself at a posh salon and bought herself a pretty dress that brought out her best features. At home, she ordered her favourite pizza, played her favourite CD, wore the pretty dress, popped a champagne and raised a toast to the last day of her life.


Confessing7girl has tagged me. So here goes my first tag. Rules: Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write posts in their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. I am a very lazy person and can sleep for hours and hours at a stretch I still read The Famous Five ( the kirrin island…rings a bell???) I am not an animal lover. I have been collecting the wrappers of all the Dairy Milks I eat, for the past 6 years.(don’t ask me how many have I got coz I havn’t counted them since a long time) I am a bit stingy. I am annoyingly punctual and often reach at parties even before the host I am jinxed when it comes to electronics. My gadgets either break, stop working or get stolen. I love both the beach and the hills. I don't have many blogge

The Seven Year Itch

‘You have changed’, she looked at me and said. ‘Well, whatever!’ I had no time to listen to her complaints. ‘Now leave me alone.’ I snapped She hovered around my table for a while and then left the room, banging the door behind. I threw my pen in my hand. I was more angry with myself than her. How could I let this happen? I still remember when I took her in my arms for the first time. She looked so innocent, so beautiful. I had fallen for her that very moment. Over the years, our love had grown even more. She completely adored me and I loved her more than anything. Although it is difficult to maintain a long distance relationship, she never showed any signs of changed loyalties. I was the first person she looked for as soon as she landed in the city. On the other hand, I had been keeping busy with my college, studies and work and could not give her all the time she demanded and deserved. In the past couple of years, I had started to feel the strain in our seven year l

Like Father Like Son

‘Everything is going to be fine. Relax!’ he took a few deep breaths. His father lay on the hospital bed, a bit nervous about the next morning. ‘Son! I don’t want to die’, he said. ‘Its nothing father! It is just a minor operation. You will be home in a couple of days’, he reassured him by repeating what doctors had told him. The next morning his wife and his sister waited at home while he stayed back at hospital. He came back home in the afternoon but he wasn’t alone. He carried his father’s body along. Due to the negligence of the hospital, 5 patients died in the operation theatre that morning. His father was one of them and he could do nothing to save him. 5 months later he found himself at the hospital again. This time it was his wife in the OT. All the jitters and nightmares rushed back. At 2:05 A.M in the morning, the nurse came out and said, ‘Congratulations! It’s a girl’ He took her in his arms and smiled. ‘Son! I don’t want to die’ He lost his fathe

Never Hide

RAY BAN ad that i really like....

The Way I Feel-2

Scared Aimless Closed


Every night I free my soul from the shackles of my body and let it wander free. It escapes like a bird from a cage and soars above high. It roams about carefree, it plays with the pixies and it dances in the moonlight. When dawn comes, it unwilling comes back and resides in me. During the day, I get around doing my usual chores, while it patiently waits for the night to come.

A Story A Day

‘ I don’t have much time, I don’t have much time’ , she muttered to herself. It was around midnight and she walked in the shadows to avoid being seen. She quickened her steps and hurried towards the local market. The shops were closed and the market place had an eerie feeling without the usual crowd and the noise. She reached the cyber café that she visited daily. Looking down at the locked door she contemplated what to do. A slight rustle startled her and she glanced back to see if anyone was around. But the road was deserted. The sidewalk was broken at a place and the debris was still scattered on the road. Suddenly she smiled to herself and thought ‘I don’t need a key’ She stepped inside the café and switched on a terminal. ‘ I don’t have much time, I don’t have much time’ ‘Hi! I am sorry to break in like this but I don’t have much time.’ She tried to explain. The guard kept staring at her with his mouth wide open, as if he wanted to say s

Hmm…No thanks

I woke up one day and found that the world was closed. ‘ Nobody told me anything ’ I walked the empty streets, felt like kicking a can but found nothing. ‘Even the garbage!!!’ The phone booth stood empty, the computer screen stared back blankly. I looked up at the cloudless sky. ‘Am I dead?' ‘Hell….No!’ I turned around to find a python dressed in a fancy suit talking to me. ‘Where is everyone?’ I asked. ‘Sir, the world has gone on a vacation’ He continued to chatter and kept tugging my sleeve.. Finally he lead me to an orchard, while I still tried to figure out what the hell was going on. ‘…and here at The Eden Garden…we offer you the best deals..’ he pointed towards the only fruit bearing tree. ‘Huh?’ ‘All you need is an apple from this tree and you can reach any destination of your choice…a heavenly experience guaranteed…’ ‘Hmm…no thanks…I don’t like apples’ And I went back to sleep

Lets Go For It.

My legs say ‘Can’t go further’ My brain says ‘this is not the end’ My heart says ‘there is another road around the bend’ My legs say ‘I have no strength left’ My brain says ‘convert your weakness into some’ My heart says ‘there is more to come..’ My legs say ‘No more! I can’t see my goal’ My brain says ‘It’s the every step you take’ My heart says ‘you will learn from your own mistakes’ My legs say ‘O.k I am ready!’ My brain says ‘So am I’ My heart says ‘Lets go for it!’