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Showing posts from September, 2008

Silent nights

Emily heard the wind swooshing against her window. Another stormy night, she thought. She dragged herself out of the bed, stepped into the balcony. The eerie silence greeted her. The trees were as still as the night and all she could hear was the silent humming of the air-conditioners. Thinking her half-dreaming, half- awake mind was playing games, she went back to her sleep. She was woken up again. She was sure there was a storm in her window. She did not go out to check this time though. Not because she was dreaming but because she knew the calm night outside would never come to know about the storms inside.

White flag

--> For every war I fought For every love I sought For every excuse I bought For every plan I thought I surrendered No matter how hard I tried In the end, it was me who cried Even when I could have won I surrendered I surrendered to make you happy But you weren’t Instead, you gave me pain Just because I surrendered