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Showing posts from June, 2007

High Spirited

I am a ghost. But I don’t live on a tree. No not in a graveyard either. I just like to roam around. I don’t have much powers, just the few basic privileges of being stuck in the middle of life and the ultimate moksha . Honestly, I like it here .It’s fun. During the day time, I generally sit in a coffee shop that I could never afford when I was alive. I sit and observe people who can. They are boring. Every Friday I catch the latest hindi flick at the multiplex. Nothing great these days, I tell you. Last week I dozed off even before the interval. If you promise not to tell anyone, I’ll tell you a secret. Sometimes, during the daytime, I go visit my old school. Yes! to attend lectures.!!!!! The miss the stupid subjects that were of no use to me in my later life. I especially like solving maths problems-algebra and geometry that I studied in 10 th standard. The syllabus has changed now. Oh but please don’t tell this to anyone. None of my ghost friends know about this. Yea


She was beautiful. Her innocence reflected in her eyes. Her laughter filled up the atmosphere. Rose, she lived up to her name. She was pure. He was a star. His looks had everyone vying for him. His attitude was the most talked about. He was her hero. They met. She was starstruck. Her fantasy seemed to be coming true. She was on the 7th sky. He was not perturbed. But he saw her beauty. He saw her innocence. She was his eyes. That day, she grew up

Have Feet. And Yes I Will Dance....

Black out. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8.. She enters from stage left in the given 8 counts. Breath in…breath out… She waits for the butterflies to flutter in her stomach. Surprisingly they do not turn up. She is not nervous which confuses her. Music blares Lights blind her As she meticulously performs the steps, keeping in mind what was to come next. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8…she continues This is time to show everything that she has learned in the past 15 days. To prove that all you need is will to learn and enjoy what you do. To gain the confidence she had lost long ago. 3 minutes later she exists from stage right. Its over..she did it… She breaks off from her group, who celebrate their exuberant performance, and closes her eyes. She wants to celebrate alone for she has conquered alone. ****************************** For the institute called SDIPA Find the other you.