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Showing posts from November, 2008

On the road

One day, as I was driving down the street, a car bumped into mine. I got down furiously, in a mood to give the driver a piece of my mind, for my car was not an ordinary one. It was my most prized possession. As I approached the driver, I recognised her immediately. From behind the wheels, descended Death herself. With an apologetic look on her face, she said she was sorry. It was an accident and she did not mean any harm to me. Moreover, she was ready to pay for any damages. I softened a bit. My car seemed fine. I decided to forgive her and continued my journey.

A Wish

There was a wish that wished to be wished. But the wish was no ordinary one to be wish. If anyone did wish the wish it was never fulfilled. Many wished the wish for others, but it was seldom that someone wished the wish for oneself. The wish was cursed to live forever.

Winds of change

The changing seasons The weathered faces The rotting tables The dying trees The peeled paints The soaring structures The roads laid new The glass houses The stars so few The old me- or not? ********************************************** Is it good to change for good?