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28 Days Later

I have an Aunt. She is quite old. It seems she has been around since eternity. Anyways, this aunt of mine has a habit of visiting us every month. After every 4 weeks (28 days) she has to come and stay with us for some days.

Initially it was fine, but now it has become really irritating. Earlier she used to put up in my mother’s room. But with growing age, she can no longer climb up the stairs, so I have to sacrifice my room which happens to be on the ground floor.

She doesn’t realise that it can really upset someone’s daily routine.We have cancelled at our plans many times because of her. Many times we have to take her along wherever we are going and it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable.

What more, she sometimes calls up in advance and demands that her favourite chocolate pie must be ready when she reaches.

At other times, she lands up without informing.
And the most annoying part is when she doesn’t land up on the day she has informed she would and we wait like fools, with her favourite chocolate pie going in our tummies in the end.

Sometimes I have to stay back home to receive her.

Mom says there is no use fuming. I should learn to adjust like everyone else.

I try to make room for her and try not to lose my temper, but sometimes she can really get on my nerves and my mood swings can be terrible.

But I guess I can’t do anything, because I know that she will never stop. Even if I succeed to oust her from my room, she will find a way to occupy some other.

Unwilling I have come to terms with the fact of having her around, FOREVER!

P.S- I have no such aunt. My room is not on the ground floor and I don’t share it with anyone:P


Unknown said…
i can sooooooo agree wid u...thz kinda unties dat visit u so regularly are a PAIN....
i hope they give us a lil less truble...hehehe
Alesea said…
Well babe....however hard i tried it was difficult to get the dat i know...hmm hats off!!!!
a wonderful way to write what i always wondered about as to how to put it....lolss cute!!
Bharti Bedi said…
@sophia:Yup hell lotta PAIN.. hope they have mercy on us

@Alesea: hehe thanks, hope others get it as well!!!
Unknown said…
Hey congrats on your 50 posts..great achievement of course which wouldn't have been possible without ppl like me who regularly visit your keep it up and may b someday I can write like you too.

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