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Not Again!!

Cricket is not my religion, Sachin is not my God. But when I saw him getting out at 97(again) today, Ouch! It hurt. It is the 6th time this year when he has been bowled out in the 90s. One of them was at PCA Mohali, where I saw him get out at 99 in front of my eyes. Today I was positive that he will break the jinx, but no, the Master Blaster missed again.

I belong to a generation which has not seen cricket without Sachin. People worship him, idolise him. When many critics had written him off, these fans had backed him no matter what. And it is great to see him back in action. His performance in the Ind-Pak series has been outstanding. But I really feel for him for not reaching the hundred mark.

It I something we all can relate to. Missing out on our goals by just a nick. Missing out on opportunities that are right in front of us. Getting jitters even after years of experience. Pressure of being at the top. Pressure of performing. Not living upto the expectations of family and friends. Trying hard but still not getting it right.

It is almost deja-vu.

I really wish Sachin all the best. And I hope that the jinx is broken sometime soon.

For more detailed insights on Sachin, you can read blogs by more ardent fans of his( like Sid).

I just had to write about today’s match( which we won anyhow).


Unknown said…
(Lagaan mein RaamSingh Style se) "Hum Jeet gayeeeee!!!"
Pallav said…
ha ha, Sachine, he deserves it :)

Alesea said…
well babe...u have written wt i was to write dat day but hurt like hell dat much so dat i made calls to so many people...i mean ya i just havent seen cricket widout him....hope th ejinx is broken soon
Ankit said…
i hope he gets his century soon!!
it just amazes me how much some people have made a place for themselves in millions of hearts!
Jay said…
that reminds me of the curse of the red sox... it was the red sox, right?

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