We all know how Superman has a huge responsibility on his shoulder to save the world. But he has other work as well other than just sitting with his underpants over his tights. As you all know that he works as a photo journalist. Well you may not know but he also takes up other sundry works on weekends just to earn some extra bucks. Honestly, newspapers do not pay much anyways.
It was one such Sunday that our Superman was working. There was not much difference in the role as here too he was helping out people but it was a reception desk of an event where people would come to find their way to a particular stall or counter. He would guide those who came for help. He would entertain little children and talk to others in general. It was a happy, bright and sunny day.
As always our Superman of all the people present took fancy of the journalist covering the event. There is something about journos that he finds hard to resist I guess. But poor superman couldn’t figure out how to approach her. Here he took help of his brother-Bryan Adams. Yes good ol’ Brayan is Superman’s distant cousin. Bryan Bhaiyaa(elder brother) sang love songs in the background while Superman continued exchanging glances with Miss Journo.
Now a journalist’s job is not only to cover the event but to file it as well. And Miss Journo had to leave sometime or the other. He had to do something and do it fast. There was an uneasiness and awkwardness and he something told him that she felt the same. His friend Spidey sat beside and lectured him on something about power and responsibility but it was just her on his mind.
He saw her move towards the exit and then he saw her hesitate. He saw her contemplating whether to come back or not and finally he saw her coming right towards his desk. His heart pounded and his palms were wet. His head felt empty and he couldn’t think of what to say.
She moved closer and turned towards Spidey and asked, ‘Excuse me! Do you have the press release of the event?’
This one is for Chunda Singh, Meks and DM
For our hunting(CT) days and Maujan!!!!Cheers!!!!!!!
@CS and Meks: for the gud ol days buddies..lets do it again sum tym hehe