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Sachin missed his century by a run, Misbah missed his half century by a run, India Lost in the end as I spent my entire day at the picture perfect stadium in Mohali.
No matter what they say, the experience of watching a match Live has its own charm. Sitting in the sun, eating the overpriced food, chanting slogans and screaming at the top of your voice… yes its pretty much fun!

Keeping the match aside, lets talk about some other scores.

Misbah might have missed it, but I haven’t. With this post I complete my 50 Posts(*applause*)

Considering the fact, that I was never convinced about blogging in the first place and I am not a writer, it is quite an achievement, to have 50 posts in around 7 months. For a long time I read blogs, but I could never picture myself having one of my own. Not until I was exposed to a different variety of blogs. Some blogs did inspire me to start writing again, but I still dint put them on the web.

And then one fine day I said that’s it.
Enough dilly-dallying, lets do it. And I did. I signed in and created an Island for myself. People form different lands visited it and encouraged my work.

I am not addicted to blogging, neither do I write to satisfy the writer in me. But when I see the red dots on the world map, it sure feels good.

So I hope these posts keep growing, and I do get more readers( I know I got couple of regulars:)and I would like to thank them). Soon we would achieve the century that Sachin missed.

Happy Blogging everyone.

And heres wishing all of you a very Happy Diwali as well.
Don’t eat too much and spare the crackers.


Anonymous said…
meany..flauntin it on yur blog as well
cheers to the half century though..hit a ton sumtime soon!
Anonymous said…
dat was me-mehak

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